


Use this window to record information on a job applicant, such as their name and how long you will keep their application in the system. Additional information such as which jobs they are applying for and their competencies, education, and merits is registered in each tab, as described below. An applicant can be recruited from an external source as well as from within the company.

You can generate a letter of acknowledgement to let the applicant know that your company has received his or her application and is moving forward in processing it. You can also generate a letter to let an applicant know that they do not meet the company's criteria. The system provides document templates for the Job Candidate Appointment Letter and Job Candidate Declining Letter. Both can be used for internal and external recruitment sources. You can also modify the templates or create your own document templates using the Word Template Definition window.


The following options are available via the Operations menu or the right mouse button:

Note: The system provides a number of document templates you can use for different activities in the recruitment process. In the Word Template Definition window you define when the different documents should be used. You can also change the templates, or create your own document templates, using the aforementioned window.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Applied Requisitions, Personal Info, Contact Address, Area of Interest, Competencies, Physical, Personality, Education, Licenses, Work Experiences, Merits, References, or Training and Seminar History.

Activity Diagrams

Receive Application Letter