Forecast Information

[About Forecasts] [About Operational Budgets] [About Interval Based Maintenance Programs] [About Operational Log] [About Historical Data] [To Handle Fleet Forecasting]


Use this window to view all information about the results from forecast calculations. This window can be opened directly from the navigator or by right-clicking on the Serial Parts window and then clicking Forecast Information. You will find calculated averages for up to 3 years of operational history, yearly forecasts based on operational budgets and proportional numbers based on these two values. The forecast is calculated per maintenance group, per vehicle and for all sub parts in the vehicle part structure. The last tab contains the calculated amount of maintenance for each task code per forecast year. It is not possible to register, change or delete the information in this window.

For a description of each tab, choose one of the following links: Per Maint Group, Per Part No, Per Sub Part No, Task Total.

Activity Diagrams

Run Forecasting


Calculate Forecast
View Calculation Results