Connect Project and Activity to Design Object


This activity is used to connect a project and related information to a design object.

The purpose of this activity is to establish a manual connection between the design object in IFS/Asset Design and an activity in IFS/Project. The connection is created when you select a project and an activity for the design object. If planned hours, costs and progress are defined on the object, these values are automatically updated on the project activity. Next, the total cost and hours are calculated and you can view and analyze these values on the project activity. You can also enter or update the planned values and progress on an object after establishing the connection. For more information refer to the about description, Project Management in IFS/Asset Design.

It is possible to select a project without specifying an activity. However, the connection between the design object and a project is not complete, and the planned values and progress cannot be viewed or updated on the project.


System Effects

A connection is created between the design object and a project, and it will be possible to report planned values on the project activity.


Design Object
Project Connections

Related Window Descriptions

Design Object
Project Connections


Use this procedure to enter a project and an activity for a design object using the Design Object window.

  1. Open the Design Object window.
  2. Query for the design object you require.
  3. Click the Project tab.
  4. In the Project ID field enter the required Project ID or click List of Values to search for and select the required project.
  5. Enter values for the Sub Project ID and Activity ID fields using the procedure described in the above step.
  6. Click Save.

Use this procedure to enter a project and an activity for a design object using the Project Connections window.

  1. Open the Project Connections window.
  2. Populate or query for the object to which you want to connect project details.
  3. In the Project ID field enter the required Project ID or click List of Values to search for and select the required project.
  4. Enter values for the Sub Project ID and Activity ID fields using the procedure described in the above step.
  5. Click Save.