Design Object

[About Objects] [About Serial Objects in Design] [About Object Status] [About Technical Specification Status] [About Project Management in IFS/Asset Design] [To Asset Design] [To Asset Engineering] [To Asset Procurement]


Use this window to work with a single object. The Object ID is the aggregation of the object's individual key fields. These fields are accessed via the dropdown in the Object ID field.

You can use this window to change the design status of an object relative to its current design status, via using the Status right mouse button option. To manage additional information related to design objects, right click on the header and select from the available options.

You can also add an image to, or change the image of, an object, using the Medial Library in the Attachment Panel below this window. It is also possible to view the object's document connections and technical data in the Attachment Panel for this window.

You can use the tabs on this window to register more information and connections to an object. For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: General, Relations, Project, Additional Parts, Object Connections, Requirements, History.

Activity Diagrams

Create Design Object
Change Design Object Class
Define Additional Information on Design Object
Define Technical Specification
Define Serial Object for Design Object
Define Design Part for Design Object
Change Technical Specification Status
Handle Status on Design Object
Manage Design Object Specification Sheets
Manage Document Connections for Design Object and Design Part
Manage Design Object Project Connection
Create Design Object Structures
Manage Design Object Structures
Prepare for Commissioning
Change Design Object Property Settings
Manage Additional Parts for Design Object
Initiate Procurement
Handle Material Demand


Create Design Object
Change Design Object Class
Define Additional Information on Design Object
Connect Technical Class to Design Object/Design Part
Define Values on Technical Attributes
Define Serial Object for Design Object
Connect Design Part to Design Object
Enter Design Part Codes for Design Object
Change Technical Specification Status
Handle Status on Design Object
Create Specification Sheet
Connect Document to Object
Connect Project and Activity to Design Object
Define Planned Hours and Costs on Design Object
Enter Progress of Design Object
Create Functional Object Structure
Create Locational Object Structure
Create Pipe Part Structure
Create From and To Relations
Create Process Object Relation
Create Circuit Object Relation
Copy Object Structure
Change Status on Structure
Delete Object Structure
Create Commissioning Package
Create MC Package
Define Check Record on Design Object
Inherit Properties from Design Part to Design Object
Change Design Object Property Settings
Connect Additional Parts to Design Object
Inherit Additional Parts from Design Part
Create Request for Order Quotation
Create Purchase Requisition