Create Design Object


This activity is used to create a design object such as a specific cable, pump, or motor, among others.   


A plant and a design object class to which the design object will be registered should exist.

System Effects

A design object is created.


Design Object
Design Objects
Linear Assets

Related Window Descriptions

Design Object
Design Objects
Linear Assets


  1. Open the Design Object, Design Objects, or Linear Assets window.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Plant field, enter the name of the plant to which the object belongs. Use the List of Values to select a suitable value.
  4. In the Class field, enter the name of the class to which the object belongs. Use List of Values to select a suitable value.
  5. In the Object ID field, double-click in the field to view and enter values for the ID model categories of the selected class or enter values in the ID fields that follow. 
  6. In the Description field, enter the main description for the design object, which can be viewed from other areas in the application.
  7. Click Save