Create Purchase Requisition


This activity is used to create a purchase requisition for a design object, to be received by IFS/Purchasing. From there, the requisition can be further processed and the corresponding items can be received into inventory. Each purchase requisition requires the definition of Site and Wanted Receipt Date. Documents may accompany the requisition. All design object additional parts, which are of the same site selected above, will create separate requisition lines updated with the additional parts' purchase quantity. A purchase order can be created upon the release of a purchase requisition.


System Effects


Design Object
Design Objects
Linear Assets

Related Window Descriptions

Design Object
Design Objects
Linear Assets


  1. Open the Design Object window or expand a design object tree view in the Business Object Explorer if you want to create a purchase requisition for one object. Open the Design Objects or Linear Assets windows if you want to create a purchase requisition for several objects.
  2. Search for the required design object(s). Select the row(s) for the design object(s).
  3. Right-click and click Create Purchase Requisition. The Create Purchase Requisition dialog box opens up. 
  4. In the Site field, select the site for the purchase requisition. The sites available for selection are those that are allowed for the project connected to the object and those for which the user has access.
  5. In the Wanted Delivery Date field, enter or select the date or that the items should be received into stock. This must be a working day in the distribution calendar specified for the site.
  6. In the Buyer field, enter or select the name of the buyer who is responsible for the purchase.

Note: The wanted receipt date and buyer entered in the header, will be reused for all selected objects, by default. To apply the modification of a wanted receipt date and buyer for a single object to all proceeding objects click Receipt Date and Buyer.

  1. In the Additional Parts of Selected Design Object(s) table, select the row for the additional part, and select the Add Document check box of the Add Documents for Selected Additional Parts table, to attach the document(s) to a corresponding purchase requisition line. Documents available for an additional part are those documents that have been connected to the object, the additional part as well as those connected to the belongs to design part, if any.
  2. Click OK.
  3. Back on the main window, right-click, select the row for the design object if applicable, and click Purchase Requisition. The created purchase requisition will be displayed.