Create CRO Receive Order


This activity is used to create a component repair order (CRO) receive order for reporting customer-owned parts as arrived, ready for inspection, received into quality inspection location, or received into inventory. Create the receive order directly from the component repair order line. The receive order is based on a regular purchase order, which means that a receive order allows you to use all the functionality related to the purchase order and receipt handling in IFS/Purchasing. However, you can use a streamlined process where you can receive into stock directly from the CRO Material Receive Order window.

One of the main principles in the ordinary receipt process is the receive cases. Receive cases can be seen as predefined working processes. The most common way of working is to have a default receive case and any inspection code specified for the combination of supplier and purchase part. This receive case and any quantity to be inspected is then given by default when the receive order is created. However, you can easily change the default receive case when receiving the parts, or you can manually move the parts to a quality inspection location, process control plans, etc., from the Purchase Order Receipt window.

When created, the receive order acquires Released status. When the total quantity to be received is placed on a picking location, the quantity is automatically reserved to the component repair order line, and the receive order is closed.

You can also register accessories which are sent by the customer together with the parts that are to be repaired. Accessories could be a remote control, a power cable, or the like. Accessories are always non-inventory parts and will not create any inventory transactions. If the accessory is to be returned back to the customer, select the Return Part check box. Optionally you can specify an acquisition value for the accessories. To denote that the part is received, select the Received check box and write a receipt note.

Any serial numbers reserved to a component repair order line can be studied in the Tracking Info tab.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, a CRO material receive order (based on a purchase order) is created. Both the header and the lines acquire Released status.


Component Repair Order

Related Window Descriptions

Receive with Differences
CRO Material Receive Order
Component Repair Order/CRO Lines
Component Repair Order


  1. Open the Component Repair Order window and search for an existing component repair order.
  2. Click the CRO Lines tab.
  3. Select the suitable component repair order line, right-click, point to Receive Order Handling and then click Create.
  4. A message appears displaying the CRO material receive order number (i.e., a purchase order number), and asking if you want to view the receive order. Click Yes and the CRO Material Receive Order window opens and you can study the receive order.
  5. Now the receipt can be handled by using the ordinary receipt process in IFS/Purchasing. You can either continue the processing from the receive order or from IFS/Purchasing.
  6. To report the parts as received from the receive order, right-click and point to Receive Material and the Receive dialog box opens. If the parts are serial and/or lot/batch tracked the the Receive with Differences dialog box opens.
  7. Click OK and the parts are reported as received (if you have not changed to another receive case).

Note: If the repair parts are at receipt and are issue tracked then these parts also remain identified in inventory after receipt. They will not be converted to asterisk ( * ) since the receipt serials are automatically reserved to the component repair order line, i.e. these serials will be processed from the component repair order line; hence there is no need to convert them to asterisk ( * ) in inventory.