
[General About Arrival and Receipt] [About Arrival Registration] [About Parts Received into Stock] [About Part Ownership] [About Customer Part Acquisition Value] [About Parts Received handled as Consignment Stock] [About Automatically Created Invoice, Matched] [About Catch Unit]

[To Receipt] [To Manage Part Receipts and Reservations]


Use this window to report the arrival registration for parts that do not use serial numbers. This window is also used when serial numbers will be specified later on in the receipt function. Some of the indicated data can be changed, such as the purchase quantity arrived, the quantity to inspect, the destination location, etc. From this window, you can split the arrival into several locations.

It is also possible to report arrival of non-serial parts received from internal order transit. (Parts are delivered from a site and received at a site that belong to the same company) It is required to enter a lot/batch number for lot tracked parts in the Receive or Receive with Differences dialog. It should be noted that the quantity entered should match with the quantity in transit to complete the transaction.         

Activity Diagrams

Report arrival
Create CRO receive order
Report arrival, component MRO


Change arrival data
Report arrival
Print arrival report
View configuration
Select Input UoM and Enter Parameters
Create CRO receive order
Report arrival from a CRO receive order