Connect Document to Project Items


Documents registered in IFS/Document Management can be connected to project items. If the project item has any document requirements, documents of the document classes specified in the requirements must be connected to the item before it can be released.


System Effects


Project Item/Project Item
Project Item Navigator/Documents

Related Window Descriptions

Project Item/Project Item
Project Product/Items
Project Item Navigator
Object Connections


To connect documents from Project Item/Project Item, Project Product/Items or Project Item Navigator follow these steps:
Select the project item(s).

  1. Click the Attachments on task pane.
  2. In the Documents tab, insert an existing document or create a new document.

You can also follow the below steps as an alternate method to connect documents from Project Item Navigator:

  1. Populate the window with the required item.
  2. If there exists no documents for this item, you first have to create a folder for the documents. Select the item in the graphical structure navigator, and point to the right mouse button menu option Add and click on the Documents option.
  3. Select the Documents folder in the graphical navigator.
  4. If the document to connect to the item already exists, select the Insert Existing Document right mouse button menu option, and select a document from the dialog box. If the document does not exist, select the Create New Document right mouse button menu option, and enter the information in the appearing dialog box.