Copy Standard Structure


Use the menu option Copy Std Structure to copy a part's structure from IFS/PDM Configuration. All parts with the After Delivery Serial Tracking flag in Part Catalog checked will be expanded.


System Effects


With the Copy Std Structure – All levels option, the structure above will result in the following project structure:

To copy and expand the entire standard structure, including the substructure of non-serial parts, use the Copy Standard Structure menu option. One Level,  All Levels, Std. Levels and Serial Levels options are available. The Std. Planned Part flag, document survey, the list of documents connected to the standard part, and the part's spare part list are copied with the standard part to the corresponding new project items.

For Standard planned, PMRP planned or DOP parts, it is not necessary to copy the structure. For these parts, copying the structure will be determined by the value of the Remove Sub Structure flag.


Project Item

Related Window Descriptions

Project Item/Consist Of


  1. Select the part for which you want to copy the structure.
  2. Select the menu option Copy Standard Structure/One Level to copy the first level or select Copy Standard Structure/All Levels to copy the standard part's entire structure, or select Copy Standard Structure/Std. Levels to copy all the parts in the standard structure but only down to (including) the levels/parts that marked as Std. Planned Part, or select Copy Standard Structure/Serial Levels. You also have the possibility of specifying if you want to copy the phantom levels/parts or not.