Register New Employee


This activity is used to register new employees in the system. The function is supported by the New Employee wizard, the Employees window, and the Employee window.

In the  Employee Files window you are allowed to register a new employee, but this is recommended only for the advanced user knowing what data is mandatory or required for various reasons. The procedure is described below.

In the New Employee wizard you are guided through the registration of a new employee. Depending on the installed components and how the wizard is configured, the number of steps can vary. The wizard is the normal way to enter a new employee into the system.

In the Employees window you can enter several employees at the same time. However, with a limited set of information.   

When registering new employees, you can manually enter an employee ID or it can be automatically generated using the automatic series functionality. If you choose the automatic series functionality, the employee number will be generated based on the EMPLOYEEID property code which is connected to the company in the Company Details/Property tab. The next employee number that should be generated is specified as the property value. Every time the value is automatically assigned as an employee number in the same company, the property value in the Company Details/Property tab window will get updated with the next number in sequence.

If the company is not connected to the property EMPLOYEEID (Next Employee ID), the employee number is automatically generated based on the global series definition.


In order to perform this activity,

System Effects

As a result of this activity;


New Employee

Related Window Descriptions

New Employee


To register new employee using the New Employee wizard:

  1. Open the New Employee wizard.
  2. In the first step, specify whether the new employee should be created with a new person ID, an already existing person ID or whether employment should be created for a job candidate recruited through IFS/Recruitment.
  3. Click Next to go to the second step. Enter the company in which the employment should be created and the employee ID in the respective fields. You can leave the Emp ID field blank if an automated identity series is used.
  4. If you are creating employee from an already existing person, the person will show in the Person ID field. Otherwise, specify a person ID using the list.  You can leave the Person ID field blank if an automated identity series is used.
  5. Enter the wizard configuration ID in the relevant field. Use the list to select the appropriate wizard configuration which you want to use for the wizard.
  6. Click Next to got to the third step. Enter the employee name by using the First Name, Last Name or External Display Name fields. If you selected an already existing person ID for the employee, the name will be automatically shown.
  7. Click Next to got to the forth step. Enter a position in the Position ID field in order to assign employee to a position.
  8. If required, enter a value in the Job ID field to assign employee to a job.
  9. Modify the default valid period for the position and job assignments in the Start Date and End Date fields.
  10. Click Next to go to the fifth step. The Create Employment Period check box is selected by default to indicate that an employment period will be created for the employee. Enter the employment type in the relevant field.
    Note: The start and end dates specified for the position and job assignments in the forth step of the wizard will be registered as the valid period of the employment as well.

    The following steps can be performed to register additional information for the employee. The availability of the steps will depend on the selected wizard configuration.
  11. Click Next. If you have the Enter Home and Contact Information step next, the default address types will be listed in the group box and the Address dialog box will automatically open. Enter the address 1 and address 2 and click OK to save the address information.
  12. Click Next. If you have the Enter Schedule Information step next, enter the wage class to which the employee should belong in the Wage Class field.
  13. Enter the base schedule of employee in the Schedule field and specify the shift information using the Shift and Shift at Valid From fields.
  14. If the employee is required to use the IFS/Time Management, select a time management time base from the list in the Time Base field.
  15. Click Next. If you have the Enter Shop Floor Information field next, the Assign Employee to a Labor Class check box is selected by default to indicate that the employee will be linked to a labor class in IFS/Manufacturing when employee is created. Enter the manufacturing site and labor class in the respective fields.
  16. Specify a value in the Resume Option field by using the list. This value will determine whether shop order operations or indirect jobs which were stopped by employee on a previous day will be automatically started when the employee starts work.
  17. Modify the default valid period for the labor class assignment in the Start Date and End Date fields. The start date is mandatory.
  18. Click Next to enter information for the remaining steps of the wizard such as, Enter Personal Data, Enter Location and Access Information etc.
  19. Click Finish to create the employee and close the wizard.

To register new employee in the Employees window:

  1. Open the Employees window and create a new record.
  2. Enter the employee ID in the relevant field. You can leave the Employee ID field blank if an automated identity series is used.
  3. Enter a person ID in the relevant field using the list. You can leave the Person ID field blank if an automated identity series is used.
  4. Enter the employment type and the position ID in their respective fields by selecting values from the list.
  5. Save the information.

To register new employee in the Employee window:

  1. Open the Employee Files window and create a new record.
  2. Enter the employee ID in the relevant field. You can leave the Employee ID field blank if an automated identity series is used. 
  3. Enter a person ID in the relevant field using the list. You can leave the Person ID field blank if an automated identity series is used.
  4. Enter the name details in the Personal/Basics tab. You cannot enter anything in this field yourself. The employee name field in the header is automatically updated. The name copied to the header is from the Internal Display Name field. You can edit this field before saving.
  5. The employee status is automatically set to Active. To change the status after you saved the data right-click and click on the Set Employee Status option in the header part of the window.
  6. You have to Save the header details and Personal/Basics information before you can enter any other data in other tabs. Besides the Internal Display Name field there is no more mandatory fields in any of the tabs (Personal, Employment, Compensation).

Note: Local components, e.g., payroll, can add checks that will request other fields to be entered before you are allowed to Save.