
[Employee Administration]


Use this window to register, change, and view information about a selected employee. Select the employee number in the combination box and view information on the employee in the available tab windows. The window is populated with active employees e.g. employees with an active status. To see other statuses you use the Query dialog. 

Note! By default you do not have access to yourself. In order to get access to your own files the property code "SELFACCESS" must be added  in the Company Details/Property tab. The property value should be set to "YES". 

For a description of each tab in the window follow the appropriate link: Summary, Personal, Incidents, Employment, Compensation, Qualifications.

Activity Diagrams

Enter New Employee
Modify Employee Personal Information
Modify Employment Related Data
Modify Employee Compensation Related Data


Register New Employee

Enter Employee Basics
Enter Employee Address and Communication Methods
Register Employee Contact Persons
Enter Employee Dependents

Enter Employment General Data
Enter Employment Period
Enter Employment Reduction
Enter Employment History
Enter Employee Free Field Data (Info 1)
Enter Employee Properties Data (Info 2)
Register Employee Info 3
Assign Employee to Position
Assign Employee to Job
Assign Employee to Work Location
Enter Employee Statistical Data

Enter Employee Standard Hourly Rate
Enter Employee Salary
Enter Employee Salary History
Enter Employee Additional Pay

Register Employee Competency
Register Employee Education
Register Employee Licenses
Register Employee Work Experiences
Register Employee Merits

Overview Safety Violations affecting Employee