Assess Employee's Performance


This activity is used to assess employee performance and development as well as how the employees have accomplished the objectives at the end of the performance measurement period. The result may be exceeding set goals and objectives, meeting set targets or the need to improve the employee performance in some areas. Based on the results of the appraisal process, further decisions regarding employee development and career planning can also be taken.

Note: Each employee objective for any employee is assessed separately. The performance score visible in the Performance Summary window is a direct sum of all objective weights for the employee. The performance summary can be updated in the Performance Periods and Employee Objectives and Activities window.


In order to perform this activity, objectives and activities are required to be registered in the system and assigned to employees.

System Effects

There are system effects.


Employee Objectives and Activities
Employee Objectives
Employee Activities

Related Window Descriptions

Employee Objectives and Activities
Employee Objectives
Employee Activities


Perform the following procedure to evaluate (rate) the activities connected to an employee objective;

  1. Open the Employee Objectives and Activities window.
  2. In the Emp ID field, specify the ID of the employee for whom you want to review the performance. Search or populate to select the required employee.
  3. Select the required objective in the Objective ID field.
  4. In the table of the window, select the required activity.
  5. Specify the target delivery value achieved for a given objective in the Achieved Target field.
  6. In the Percentage Achieved field, assess and enter the completion percentage for the objective if applicable.
  7. Specify the rating for the employee objective in the Evaluator Rating field.
  8. In the Evaluation Remark field, enter any information you may have relevant to the activity. This may be any piece of information related to the manner in which the employee activity has been completed or the operational environment in which the employee has performed.
  9. Enter any additional information you may have in the Comment field.
  10. Save the information.

Perform the following procedure to evaluate (rate) the employee objective;

  1. Open the Employee Objectives and Activities window.
  2. In the Emp ID field, specify the ID of the employee for whom you want to review the performance. Search or populate to select the required employee.
  3. Select the required objective in the Objective ID field.
  4. Specify the achieved target and the percentage achieved in the relevant fields for the objective.
  5. Enter the rating for the employee objective in the Evaluator Rating field. Select a rating using the list. The rank of the rating will show in the Score field.
    Note: If the the Use Activity Rating check box is selected for the employee objective, the score will be calculated using the summary of the activity ratings.
  6. In the Evaluation Remark field, enter any information you may have relevant to the objective. This may be any piece of information related to the manner in which the objective has been completed or the operational environment in which the employee has performed.
  7. Enter any additional information you may have in the Comment field.
  8. Save the information.