
[About Rotable Part Pool], [To Define Financials Basics], [To Fixed Assets Accounting]


Use this window to enter, change, and display details of fixed assets. When a new entry is made, the object is linked to an object group that provides defaults of books, methods of depreciation, acquisition, and any user-defined base values. You can change the status for the object, as well as move, split, scrap, and sell an object or enter acquisition value adjustments per book. You can also import objects,  i.e. when a company transfers objects from a previous system. For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: General, Main Object, User-defined Base Values, Books, Pre-posting, Planning Info, Inventory, Rotable Pool, Properties.

Activity Diagrams

BDR for Fixed Assets Object Information
Handle Acquisition Object
Split Object Before Activation
Import Object
Activate Object
Acquisition Value Adjustment per Book
Split, move or replace object
Dispose Object


Activity descriptions are available through activity objects in the Activity Diagrams.