About Event Registry

Event Registry is a framework that continually monitors events occurring in IFS Applications and then performs the specified actions, using the IFS Event Server program. This may be anything from displaying a warning message by sending an e-mail, generating a popup window, or sending an SMS message. 


An event in the database can be described as a pre-defined database transaction that generates a method call to the condition handler.


Conditions decide whether or not the registered action shall be performed.


Actions are the different types of responses that the system may generate when an event occurs. The actions can be conditioned so that they are fulfilled only when the conditions are evaluated to be valid.

All events indicate the date and time of the event, user identification, user description, mail address, and cellular phone number. For each event you can also study other information that could be used as search criteria for the event server.

Links to the available events

IFS Distribution
IFS Maintenance
IFS Manufacturing
IFS Quality Management