Combinations per Invoice Type

[To Define Financials Basics]


Use this window to enter and view the combinations of numeration groups and branches for each invoice type. After you define the invoice types used in a company in the Customer Invoice Types window, you can right-click on an invoice type record and then click Combinations per Invoice Types to open this window. 

In the header of this window, you can define one default definite number series for the invoice type. The definite number series is the number series that will be used when you print the final (not preliminary) invoice. The default definite number series will be used by the system when no specific number series has been defined for a certain invoice type combination (in the window table). 

In the window's table, you can assign a specific number series to each invoice type combination ((invoice type + numeration group + branch). Before you can specify a numeration group or branch, they must be defined in the appropriate basic data window (either the Numeration Groups window in IFS/Invoice, or the Branches window in IFS/Enterprise).

Activity Diagrams

Specify General Customer Invoice Information


Enter Combination per Invoice Type