Manual Supplier Invoice

[To Enter and Post Supplier Invoice] 


Use this window to enter incoming supplier invoices. You can register incoming multi company supplier invoices and preliminary (posted) invoices, perform direct entry of invoices, or perform the final posting of previously entered preliminary (posted) invoices. You can query for all preliminary (posted) invoices that need to be updated with final postings. This window consists of invoice header information, including the invoice date and payment terms, followed by more detailed information in the Line Information and Posting Information areas. You can also specify whether the invoice is an advance invoice which is considered as just a request for payment before the goods/services have been delivered. By dragging the split bar between Line Information and Posting Information, you can adjust the size of these areas to suit your requirements.

In the Line Information area, you can enter or view the delivery type, supplier income type, tax percentages, gross amount, and net amount. Optionally, you can enter or view purchase order information or subcontract payment certificate information for each invoice line. Invoices normally contain only one line, especially those that have been registered as preliminary posted. You can also enter invoices with multiple lines, e.g., if the invoices have different tax codes or delivery types, or if you prefer to have invoice lines with detailed information related to purchase orders.

In the Posting Information area, you can enter or view one or more final cost postings representing the net amount. For each invoice entered, a voucher is created and placed in the hold table of IFS Accounting Rules until it is updated in IFS/General Ledger. If there is a posting proposal connected to the invoice, the posting information area will not be available. All postings must be registered in the Posting Proposals window. If there is a purchase order reference for the invoice, postings will be copied to the posting proposal from the purchase order. If the posting proposal is balanced, then the invoice will be automatically matched with the purchase order.

You can customize this window to facilitate the quick registration of lines and posting information. The individual setup will depend on your normal routine of entering lines and postings. New invoice and posting lines will be suggested according to your definitions when you use the Tab key to move forward when entering new lines and postings. This functionality is designed to speed the entry of an invoice where many lines and postings are registered at once, and when moving around in the Lines and Posting Information areas using the Tab key. On the File menu, click Properties, and then click the Child Table Properties tab to specify how you want new lines to be created when registering invoice lines and posting lines.

You can view the documents attached to an invoice by right-clicking and then clicking View Connected Document. (i.e. the invoice image). 

You can also use this window to create and print debit or credit notes.

Activity Diagrams

Arrival Entry Supplier Invoice  
Match Supplier Invoice with Purchase Order
Match Supplier Invoice with Sub Contract Payment Certificates
Post Supplier Invoice
Authorize Supplier Invoice
Cancel Supplier Invoice
Create Supplier Debit or Credit Notes


Enter Basic Supplier Invoice Information
Enter General Supplier Invoice Information

Enter Supplier Invoice Lines
Enter/Modify Invoice Tax Information
Enter/Modify Posting Proposal Tax Information
Create Supplier Debit or Credit Note
Print Supplier Debit or Credit Note
Modify Additional Investment