Cancel Non-Applicable Work


This activity is used to make changes to a work scope for instances where work has become non-applicable or difficult to carry out. The reason for this can be, for example, that the work has become not applicable to perform for a serial because the serial is disconnected from the vehicle on which the maintenance order is to be performed or due to the lack of resources, tools and/or facilities.

Work orders can be canceled in the work order execution logic structure or you can cancel the corresponding task on the maintenance order. If the maintenance order is distributed with the Execution Logic Structure distribution type, you cannot cancel the work order directly, instead you need to cancel the relevant task on the maintenance order. This is because a task can be spread on several work orders and there is not just one corresponding work order to cancel.


To perform this activity, a maintenance order which has been released must exist.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the work order and the corresponding task will be canceled from the work scope and removed from the work order execution logic structure and the maintenance order.


Work Order Execution Logic
Prepare Work Order
Report In Work Order
Maintenance Order

Related Window Descriptions

Work Order Execution Logic
Work Order Execution Logic/General
Prepare Work Order
Prepare Work Order/General
Report in Work Order
Report in Work Order/Report In
Maintenance Order
Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str.
Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str./Task Details


To cancel a work order from the Work Order Execution Logic window:

  1. Open the Work Order Execution Logic window and query (F3) for the necessary work order number.
  2. Select the work order which is to be canceled from the work order structure navigator. Right-click, point to Work Order Status, and then click Cancelled. You can also right-click on the General tab to reach the Work Order Status option.
  3. In the Cause field, enter the cause for canceling the work order. Click List to select a valid value.
  4. If needed, enter additional information in the Cancellation Comment field.
  5. Click OK. The work order will be canceled from the work order execution logic structure. If a corresponding task exists in IFS/Vehicle Information Management (IFS/VIM) this task will be canceled as well.

To cancel a work order from the Prepare Work Order or Report In Work Order window:

  1. Open the Prepare Work Order or Report In Work Order window and query (F3) for the necessary work order number.
  2. Right-click, point to Work Order Status, and then click Cancelled.
  3. In the Cause field, enter the cause for canceling the work order. Click List to select a valid value.
  4. If needed, enter additional information in the Cancellation Comment field.
  5. Click OK. The work order will be canceled from the work order execution logic structure. If a corresponding task exists in IFS/Vehicle Information Management (IFS/VIM) this task will be canceled as well.

To cancel a work order from the Maintenance Order window:

  1. Open the Maintenance Order window and query (F3) for the necessary order number.
  2. Click the Maint. Order Str. tab. You can also perform this procedure from the Maintenance Order/Included Tasks tab.
  3. In the serial structure shown on the left, select the task you want canceled. The Task Details sub tab will be updated with information on the task.
  4. Right-click, point to Status, and then click Cancel.
  5. If the task is in either the Released or Started status, the Cancellation dialog box opens. If the task is in a status other than Released, Started, Work Done or Finished, the task will be canceled directly and you can view the record in the Maintenance Order/Assign Tasks/Pending Tasks sub tab or the Maintenance Order/Assign Tasks/Convenience Tasks sub tab.
  6. In the Cause field, enter the cause for canceling the work order. Click List to select a valid value.
  7. If needed, enter additional information in the Cancellation Comment field.
  8. Click OK.