Use this activity to change the due date of the shop order, i.e., the date the shop order must be finished and received into inventory.
When the need date of a shop order pegged to a DOP order is changed, a message appears enquiring whether or not to automatically update the due date of the DOP order. If the due date of the DOP order is not updated, a time alarm is generated for the date mismatch between the DOP order and the shop order. If the DOP order has other supply orders, an error message appears, the due date of the DOP order is not changed and a time alarm is generated.
A time alarm may be resolved by either right-clicking and then clicking Update Dates From Supply or by updating the revised due date of the DOP order.
You have the option to replicate the changes you made for the need date in the pegged customer order line.
As a result of this activity: