Check Material


This activity is used to check the availability, i.e., the demand and planned receipts, of the inventory parts that are included on the shop order. The check can be run automatically as well as manually. You can choose to run the manual check either for selected orders or for an entire site. It is useful to check material for the site at regular intervals since there may be material shortages caused by supply changes occurring after the last availability check.


System Effects


Shop Order
Shop Orders
Inventory Part Availability Planning
Calculate Planning Alerts for Site
Multilevel Availability Check

Related Window Descriptions

Shop Order
Shop Order/Material
Shop Orders
Inventory Part Availability Planning
Calculate Planning Alerts for Site
Multilevel Availability Check


To view availability information for a shop order:

  1. Select the shop order for which you want to view availability planning.
  2. In the Material tab, select the material line for each part whose availability you want to study.
  3. Right-click and then click Availability Planning. The Inventory Part Availability Planning window appears. This window shows the demand and receipts for the first inventory part.
  4. If you selected more than one material line, select another part in the Part Number list.

To view availability information for a set of shop orders:

  1. Open the Shop Orders Material Planning window and query for the shop orders you want to study.
  2. In the Query Conditions for Components area, select the Include Requisitions check box if you want the values in the Projected Qty Onhand, Total Demand and Total Supply fields to consider open requisitions in addition to orders.
  3. Select the Remaining to Allocate > 0 check box to display only the component lines for which there is material remaining to be reserved or issued.
  4. Select the Only Show Shortages check box to display only the component lines for which there is a material shortage, i.e. components for which the projected quantity onhand on the required date is less than zero.
  5. Enter a date in the Pick Plan Date field if you want to use a different date instead of the Date Required when calculating the Projected Qty Onhand, Total Demand and Total Supply.
  6. Click Refresh to retrieve the information according to the query conditions you specified in steps 3 to 5.
  7. Select a shop order in the upper table of the window to view its material planning information in the lower table.

To run an availability check for selected shop orders in Planned state:

  1. In the Shop Orders window, select the shop order(s) that you want to include in the check.
  2. Right-click and then click Run Availability Check. The Run Availability Check for Material dialog box opens.
  3. In the Pick Plan Date field, you may enter a date to be used as the required date for the order(s). If this field is left blank, the material allocation dates on the shop orders will be used instead.
  4. Click OK. A message will be displayed to indicate if any shortages were detected once the check is complete. You can identify the orders for which there are shortages via the Planning Alert Exists field and view further details via the Planning Alerts and Component Availability right mouse button options.

To calculate planning alerts by site:

  1. Open the Calculate Planning Alerts for Site dialog box.
  2. Your default site will appear in the Site field. You may enter the short code for another site here or click List to select one from a List of Values.
  3. Click OK. The calculation will be performed as a background job.

To view availability information for a part:

  1. Open the Multilevel Availability Check window and search for the required part number.
  2. Specify the simulate conditions in the Simulate Conditions area.
  3. Click Calculate.