Report a Fault


This activity is used to report a failure or fault for a vehicle or serial. Failures and faults can occur during an operation or during the maintenance of a vehicle or serial.

It is also possible to register faults that have already been repaired, provided that sign off requirements do not exist for the function breakdown of the fault. To register faults that have already been repaired, select the Already Repaired fault execution when reporting the fault.


System Effects


Report Fault
Serial Operational Information
Flight Log

Related Window Descriptions

Report Fault
Serial Operational Information  
Serial Operational Information/Fault
Flight Log
Flight Log/Fault


Select from the following options to register a failure or fault that occurred on a serial:

Option 01:

  1. Open the Report Fault window and query (F3) for the serial on which the failure or fault occurred.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. In the Fault Description field, enter a short description of the fault.
  4. In the Fault Execution list, enter the necessary fault action. Valid values are,
  1. In the Reported By field, the current user's person ID appears by default.
  2. If a default person category is defined for the current user, this value appears automatically in the Person Category field. You can change this value if necessary. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  3. In the Product and Model fields, the product and model connected to the template structure of the serial appears by default. Note: For serials that are not on the topmost level of a structure (i.e., they do not have a connection to a product and model), it will be possible to manually enter the product and model. Use the List of Values in the relevant fields to select valid values.
  4. Enter the function breakdown for the fault in the Function, Sub Function and Bottom Function fields. Use the List of Values to select appropriate values, or right-click on the function (in the function navigator) and select the option Set Function, Set Sub Function or Set Bottom Function.
  5. In the Fault Code field, enter a valid code for the fault or failure. If a function breakdown is entered, the fault code must be a valid code for this function breakdown (fault functions). Use the List of Values to select a value.
  6. In the Remark field, enter any additional information about the fault. Entering a value in this field is optional. Double-clicking on the field will open a text editor where you can enter text in a more convenient fashion. When a task is created for the serial repair, this information will be transferred to the Task Remark field of the corresponding task record on the maintenance order.
  7. Save the record (F12).

Option 02:

  1. Open the Serial Operational Information window and query (F3) for the serial on which the failure or fault occurred.
  2. Click the Fault tab and then click the General tab.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. In the Reported By field, enter the identity of the person reporting the fault. By default, the current user's identity is displayed but can be changed by selecting another value from the List of Values.
  5. If a default person category is defined for the current user, this value appears automatically in the Person Category field. You can change this value if necessary. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  6. In the Product and Model fields, the product and model connected to the template structure of the serial appears by default. Note: For serials that are not on the topmost level of a structure (i.e., they do not have a connection to a product and model), it will be possible to manually enter the product and model. Use the List of Values in the relevant fields to select valid values.
  7. Enter the function breakdown for the fault in the Function, Sub Function and Bottom Function fields. Use the List of Values to select appropriate values.
  8. In the Fault Code field, enter a valid code for the fault or failure. If a function breakdown is entered, the fault code must be a valid code for this function breakdown (fault functions). Use the List of Values to select a value.
  9. In the Fault Desc field, enter a short description of the fault.
  10. In the Fault Execution list, enter the necessary fault action. Valid values are,
  1. In the Remark field, enter any additional information about the fault. Entering a value in this field is optional. Double-clicking on the field will open a text editor where you can enter text in a more convenient fashion. When a task is created for the serial repair, this information will be transferred to the Task Remark field of the corresponding task record on the maintenance order.
  2. Save the record (F12).

Option 03:

  1. Open the Faults window and create a new record (F5).
  2. In the Fault Description field, enter a short description of the fault.
  3. In the Part Number field, enter the part number of the serial on which the fault occurred.
  4. In the Serial Number field, enter the serial number of the serial on which the fault occurred.
  5. In the Fault Date field, enter the date and time the fault was discovered. The default value is the same as the value in the Last To Date for the latest operational logging. The default value can be changed provided that the fault, if it is to be deferred, has not been approved.
  6. In the Fault Execution list, enter the necessary fault action. Valid values are,
  1. In the Reported By field, enter the identity of the person reporting the fault. By default, the current user's identity is displayed but can be changed by selecting another value from the List of Values.
  2. If a default person category is defined for the person defined in the Reported By field, this value appears automatically in the Person Category field. You can change this value if necessary. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  3. In the Product and Model fields, the product and model connected to the template structure of the serial appears by default. Note: For serials that are not on the topmost level of a structure (i.e., they do not have a connection to a product and model), it will be possible to manually enter the product and model. Use the List of Values in the relevant fields to select valid values.
  4. Enter the function breakdown for the fault in the Function, Sub Function and Bottom Function fields. Use the List of Values to select appropriate values.
  5. In the Fault Code field, enter a valid code for the fault or failure. If a function breakdown is entered, the fault code must be a valid code for this function breakdown (fault functions). Use the List of Values to select a value.
  6. In the Remark field, enter any additional information about the fault. Entering a value in this field is optional. Double-clicking on the field will open a text editor where you can enter text in a more convenient fashion. When a task is created for the serial repair, this information will be transferred to the Task Remark field of the corresponding task record on the maintenance order.
  7. Save the record (F12). Note: There are several other optional fields in this window in which additional information can be added, for instance, you can choose to enter deferral information or post-maintenance check information for the fault at the time of creating the fault.

Option 04:

Follow this procedure to report a fault on a flight log:

  1. Open the Flight Log window and populate (F2) or query (F3) for your flight log number and/or serial.
  2. Click the Fault tab and create a new record (F5).
  3. In the Fault Description field, enter a short description of the fault.
  4. In the Fault Date field, enter the date and time the fault was discovered. The default value is the same as the value in the Last To Date for the latest operational logging. The default value can be changed provided that the fault, if it is to be deferred, has not been approved.
  5. The product number of the parent serial will be displayed in the Product Number field. If a value is not retrieved automatically, use the List of Values to select a valid product number. Entering a value in this field is only required if a function is to be reported on the fault.
  6. In the Model Number field, the model number of of the parent serial will be displayed automatically or should be entered manually. Use the List of Values to select a valid value. Entering a value in this field is only required if a function is to be reported on the fault.
  7. In the Function Number field, enter the identity of the function where the fault occurred.
  8. In the Fault Code field, enter a valid fault code. If a function is reported, the fault must be valid for the entered function. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  9. In the Flight Oper Plan ID field, enter the operational plan (flight number) on which the fault was discovered. Use the List of Values to select a valid value. Entering a value in this field is optional.
  10. In the Reported By field, enter the identity of the person reporting the fault. By default, the current user's identity is displayed but can be changed by selecting another value from the List of Values.
  11. If a default person category is defined for the person defined in the Reported By field, this value appears automatically in the Person Category field. You can change this value if necessary. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  12. In the Remark field, enter any additional information about the fault. Entering a value in this field is optional. Double-clicking on the field will open a text editor where you can enter text in a more convenient fashion. When a task is created for the serial repair, this information will be transferred to the Task Remark field of the corresponding task record on the maintenance order.

If the fault is to be deferred:

  1. In the List Code field enter the type of fault deferral. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  2. In the Item Code field, enter the item from the deferral list code. Entering a value in this field is optional. Use the List of Values to select a valid value. The item definition contains standard settings for the deferral such as number of days, operational parameter settings or a combination of both.
  3. In the Days field, enter the number of days the fault is to be deferred. If a deferral item code is entered, and a number of days defined on the item code, the value appears automatically in this field. It is possible to change a value that is automatically suggested to a lower value. If a value is not suggested automatically, you need to manually enter the number of days the fault is to be deferred. If an add on value and operational parameter has not been defined for the fault, entering a value in this field is required.
  4. In the Add On Value field, enter the operational add on value for the fault deferral. If a deferral item code is entered, and an add on value is defined on the item code, the value appears automatically in this field. It is possible to change a value that is automatically suggested to a lower value. If a value is not suggested automatically, you need to manually enter the add on value for the fault deferral. Entering a value in this field is required if a value has not been entered in the Days field.
  5. In the Operational Parameter field (i.e., the field adjacent to the Add On Value field), enter the operational parameter the add on value is given in. If a deferral item code is entered, and an operational parameter is defined on the item code, the value appears automatically in this field. If not, you need to manually enter the add on value for the fault deferral. Entering a value in this field is required if a value was entered in the Add On Value field.
  6. In the Cause/Descr field, enter the reason for deferring the fault.
  7. Save the record (F12).
  8. To continue with reporting fault actions on the fault, refer the activity Report Fault Action.