Define Event Types


Use this activity to define the different types of log events that may occur on a production unit. Log events are used when reporting production log events in IFS/OEE. When a new log event type is created you need to connect it to an existing system log event type. Valid system log event types are:

The system log event type Log Bulletin is specified in time and is used to communicate particular production unit information. Log bulletins are viewed in the Production Unit window.

The system log event type Log Marker is used to identify the time a particular action took place. Log markers can be used during an APQ analysis to identify if an action had a positive or negative effect on the APQ value.

The system log event type Log Note is used to enter non-object connected information, e.g., information the production personnel want conveyed to the next shift.

Note: The level of data entered during the creation of an event will determine how detailed your analysis can be.



System Effects

A log event type with a unique ID is registered and available for use in IFS/OEE. Log event types are used when reporting production log events.

Related Window Descriptions

Define Event Types
Setup OEE


  1. Open the Setup OEE window.
  2. Click Define Event Types to open the Define Event Types window.
  3. Create a new log event type in the lower table of the window. You have several options to choose from when creating a new record (a) click Add (b) double-click on an existing record or, (c) right-click anywhere in the table, and then click Insert.
  4. In the ID field, enter a unique ID code for the new log event type.
  5. Enter a description of the new log event type in the Description field.
  6. In the System Log Event Type list, select the system log event type to which you want to connect the new log event type.
  7. Select the Active check box to activate the new log event type.
  8. Save the record.