Setup OEE

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This window is used as the access point for all setup and goal activities within IFS Overall Equipment Effectiveness. Follow the appropriate link to open the setup or goal activity window you want. The available activities are divided into the following sections: Basic Definitions, Products, Loss Causes, Goals, and Erroneous External Event Messages.

In addition to this, you can use this window to view information, such as, the date and time data was last updated along with general information on the available setup activities. This general information will include the number of records per activity and the number of records that are currently active.

Activity Diagrams

Define OEE General Data
Define OEE Production Rates and APQ Goals 
Receive Events via Other Systems
BDR for Define OEE General Data
BDR for Production Rate and APQ Goals


Define Stop Event Type
Define Log Event Type
Define Actions 
Define Production Units
Define Products
Define Qualities
Connect Production Units and Products
Define Loss Cause Groups
Define Loss Causes
Connect Production Units and Loss Causes
Define Production Rates
Define APQ Goals
Define Production Unit Revenue Loss
Correct Erroneous Event Messages