Prepare Work Order/Materials
Report In Work Order/Materials
Report In Route Work Order/Materials
Work Order Execution Logic/Materials

[About Site Unique Inventory Unit of Measure] [To WO Processing] [To Service Order Processing]


Use this tab to enter and view information on material that is used for a work order. At new entry, you must enter the quantity of each part, and for each part you can see how many have already been issued and how many are available in inventory. There are several right mouse button options available to view information on the parts in IFS/Inventory. If the work order is PM-generated, the entire material planning is copied from the PM Action to the work order. When a work order is created from a CRO line, a new maintenance material requisition is created. The component to be repaired will be included as a part with the Repair Part check box marked.

You can enter material requisitions on any site that belongs to the same company as the work order (provided the user is connected to the site).

You can also find the Materials tab as an underlying tab in Prepare Work Order Quotation/Prepare tab (only available in IFS/Service Management).

Activity Diagram

Prepare Material
Issue Material


Connect Material to Work Order 
Connect to Operation

Create Pick List
Release Pick List
Print Pick List
Issue Material
Pick All
Pick with Difference
Print Barcode Labels