Set Historical Stress Rating Component Life Change Template Or Address for Serial Component Life Serial Structure Information Set Serial To Life Limited Component Life Study Structure Mismatch Log Entry Serial Structure Mismatch Log History per Serial Support for Structure Changes and Operational Planning Serial Structure Mismatch History Serial Operational Log History List Serial Order History Replacement History List Import Template Structures Serial Structure Information Serial Structures Component Life Generate Serial Numbers Serial Structure Information Component Life Enter Performed Interval Based Maintenance Component Life Resolve Structure Mismatch Log Entry Serial Structure Mismatch Log Copy Serial Structure Serial Structure Information Serial Structures Component Life Resolve Structure Mismatch Log Entry Serial Structure Mismatch Log Approve or Reject Structure Change Structure Changes Approvals Serial Structure Information Approve Structure Changes Approvals Install Serial Install Part Swap Serial Replace Serial Rob Serial Remove Part Or Serial Serial Structure Information Flight Log Report In Work Order Enter Complied and Decomplied Modifications Component Life Set Serial Structure Out Of Operation Serial Structure Information Component Life Cancel Structure Mismatch Log Entry Serial Structure Information Serial Structure Mismatch Log Enter New Total Operational Values Component Life Enter or Modify the Serial Structure Serial Structures Serial Structure Information