Indicate Supplier for Request for Supplier Agreement Quotation


When the request header is entered and the desired purchase parts and/or supplier assortments are connected in the appropriate tabs, the next step is to indicate to which suppliers you want to send the request. Specify the suppliers in the Suppliers tab.


System Effects

The desired suppliers are connected to the request for Supplier agreement quotation. The letter will be directed to the person who is entered as supplier contact.


Request for Agreement Quotation

Related Window Descriptions

Request for Supplier Agreement Quotation,
Request for Supplier Agreement Quotation/Suppliers


  1. Use the Query or Populate function in order to find the appropriate request.
  2. Select the Suppliers tab.
  3. Select New.
  4. Either enter the desired supplier directly or search for it by using the List of Values.
  5. Select the appropriate address number in the Supplier Address column.
  6. Add or change the supplier contact for the supplier in the Supplier Contact column.
  7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for all the supplier you want to include.
  8. Save when completed.