Request for Agreement Quotation

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[To Procurement]


Use this window to handle Requests for Supplier Agreement Quotations. A supplier agreement request for quotation is entered manually in the Request for Agreement Quotation window. Once the request for supplier agreement quotation is entered, you can connect the suppliers to be linked to the supplier agreement request. Then you can print the supplier agreement requests and send them to the suppliers or e-mail them.

If you are using IFS/Project or IFS/Project Delivery, the order quotation for the miscellaneous parts in a specific project is initialized from the project quotation list.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Part Request Lines, Assortment Request Lines, Suppliers, Delivery Address, RFQ History.

Activity Diagrams

Enter request for supplier agreement quotation


Enter request for supplier agreement quotation header
Enter supplier agreement part request line
Enter supplier agreement assortment request line
Indicate suppliers for request for supplier agreement quotation
Enter alternate delivery address, supplier agreement RFQ
Release request for supplier agreement quotation
Print request for supplier agreement quotation
E-mail request for supplier agreement quotation