Project Forecasts

[About Project Budgeting and Forecasting] [To Project Management]


Use this window or tab to create or view a project budget/forecast version, or modify selected fields on an existing budget/forecast version. You can also copy from existing budgets/forecasts, spread budget/forecast amounts, change statuses and create, connect or disconnect snapshots on selected budget/forecast versions.

You can also use this window or tab to navigate to interrelated Project and Project Budgeting and Forecasting windows when you right click on this window and select the desired window name.

Activity Diagrams

Create and Develop Project Forecast
Create and Develop Project Budget
Approve Project Forecast with Approval Routing
Approve Project Forecast without Approval Routing
Approve Project Budget with Approval Routing
Approve Project Budget without Approval Routing


Create Project Budget/Forecast Versions
Copy From Budget/Forecast
Copy From Project
Spread Cost
Create Project Snapshot
Connect Existing Snapshot
Set As Preliminary
Review Budget/Forecast
Start Approval on Budget/Forecast
Approve Budget/Forecast
Cancel Approval on Budget/Forecast
Set Budget As Active Project Budget
Cancel Budget/Forecast Version