Analyze Project Exceptions


Perform this manual activity to check if the project activity's budget has been exceeded, and to evaluate the progress and need date of the activity's connected objects. It is aimed to detect problems which the connected objects might have at the time of the evaluation.

It is possible to see which activities have exceptions on the Gantt chart. An activity will have an exception if its budget is exceeded or if a connected object is planned to be executed late. Activities with exceptions are indicated in the Gantt chart by an exclamation symbol '!' beside the activity bar.

It is also possible to see time-critical objects connected to an activity in the Gantt chart, making it easy to view if any such connected object has a need or required date that fall outside the activity's early start and early finish dates. The objects that can be seen in the Gantt chart are Purchase Order line, Shop Order, Work Order and DOP Header.



System Effects



Project Navigator/Connections

Project Exceptions
Activity Exceptions

Related Window Descriptions

Project Navigator/Connections
Project Connections
Project Navigator/Gantt
Project Exceptions
Activity Exceptions


Analyze activity connected objects in the Connections tab:

  1. Select the desired activity.
  2. Select each object connection line.
  3. Observe the cost and progress information for each object.

Analyze activity connected objects in the Gantt tab:

  1. Observe if there is an exclamation mark to the left of an activity, indicating that there is a exception for that activity.
  2. To view the exception details, right-click this exclamation symbol and select the menu option Activity Exceptions.
  3. In the project navigator, select an activity with connected objects.
  4. Time-critical objects connected to the activity will be indicated by icons in the Gantt chart.
  5. To view details of a particular object, right-click the icon and select the menu option Object Details.

Analyze activity connected objects in either the Project Exceptions or the Activity Exceptions window:

  1. Query the project.
  2. Go to the relevant tabs and evaluate the records.

Analyze activity connected objects in the Project Connections window:

  1. Query the desired records to be analyzed. For example, it is possible to query a project ID, specific activities, object types or project cost elements.
  2. Alternatively in the Project Navigator/Activity/Cost and Hours tabs or the Summary tab, select the desired rows, right-click and click Project Connection Details to view the relevant records in the Project Connections window.
  3. Observe the costs (estimated, planned, baseline, planned committed, committed, used and actual) per connected object and per project cost element.