Report Arrival


All the receipt lines must be entered as arrived; this is done in the Register Purchase Order Arrivals. This includes the orders concerning inventory registered purchase parts, non-inventory registered purchase parts, and no-number parts. An exception to this is any receipt line with the demand code Customer Order Direct. That kind of receipt line is entered through the direct delivery function.

The arrival registration is performed in different dialog boxes, depending on whether the parts are serial handled and whether the serial numbers will be defined at the arrival registration or later. If you are handling serial handled parts and have decided to postpone the serial numbering, you should enter the arrival by using the dialog box for parts without serial numbers. There are also separate dialog boxes for the parts that are received from internal order transit. These parts are delivered from a site and received at a site that belongs to the same company. In these dialog boxes, you can only pick and receive the parts that exist in order transit.

For catch unit enabled parts, it is optional to report the catch quantity at arrival if the arrival goes into an arrival or QA location. However, if the catch quantity is reported at arrival for an arrival or QA location, the following will apply:

You can either process one line at a time or select several lines and receive them all together. In the dialog box, you can remove any lines that you have selected by mistake. It is also possible to split the receipt line into several locations. Partial receipts can be entered for a receipt line that is partially delivered by the supplier. Some of the indicated data can be changed directly on the receipt line or in the corresponding dialog box.

You can increase or decrease the quantity. The over-delivery check can be activated for the purchase part. Therefore, if you increase the quantity and exceed the over delivery tolerance, a message appears.

When the parts that should be inspected according to a control plan for purchasing arrive, they can be received only to an inventory location that belongs to purchasing, e.g., Arrival, Pallet Arrival, QA, or Pallet QA location. If you try to move them to another inventory location type, a message will appear.  


System Effects

The inventory registered purchase parts are entered as arrived. The receipt line status is different, depending on the receive case:

For non-inventory registered purchase parts and no-number parts:

If the purchase order originates from a customer order, the customer order is updated with the quantity that has been reported upon the receipt. This is valid for both inventory and non-inventory registered parts.

If you have selected Mandatory Create Analysis under Basic Data for Quality Management, the Qty to Inspect field in the Purchase Order Receipt window will get the highest sample size according to the data points that will be included in the analysis.

The inventory into which the parts will be received depends on the demand code, and whether the purchase order line had been connected to a project activity.

If the purchase order line had been connected to a project activity and the demand code is set to Project Inventory, or if the line had not been connected to a project activity but the demand code is set to Project or Project Delivery, the parts will be received into project inventory. In all other situations, inventory parts will be received into the standard inventory.

If the Ownership Transfer Point list on the Company/Distribution tab is set to Receipt into Arrival, parts received into an arrival or quality assurance location will be considered as owned by the company, resulting in inventory postings being created. If the Ownership Transfer Point list is set to Receipt into Inventory, parts received into an arrival or quality assurance location will be considered as owned by the supplier, and inventory postings will not be created until the parts are moved into a stock location. These parts will not affect the inventory value or inventory part statistics. The quantities of these parts in the arrival or quality assurance locations will be included in the supply and demand views, to avoid multiple supplies for a created demand. Receipts made into the arrival and quality assurance locations will be included in the inventory calculation of purchase costs.

When using the automated invoicing function (self-billing), the supplier invoice is generated when the arrival is entered into the system where the ownership transfer point is set to Receipt into Arrival. The receipt reference that you have entered is used as the invoice number. The supplier invoice is based on the quantity received, and the purchase price is used to calculate the invoice amount. A separate invoice line is created for each receipt line having the same receipt reference. The invoice is automatically matched and ready to be paid. All automatically created invoices can be viewed in Self-billing Invoice Analysis. In this window, you can study the error text.

If the purchase order comes from an outside operation, the remaining quantity for the outside operation is decreased by the arrived quantity on the Shop Order/Operation tab. The operation history transaction is updated.

For the parts with component parts or a supplier material structure, and a decision to back flush the components, a direct automatic issue of the component parts will take place upon arrival registration of the main part. The quantity of the back flushed component parts corresponds to the quantity of the main part received and the quantity per assembly. The parts will be issued from the specified back flushing location to the supplier. Whether a negative quantity on hand is allowed for the inventory part will be taken into consideration, when there are insufficient component parts available at the back flushing location. If the parts do get back flushed, the back flushed quantity will be updated accordingly.

If the Post Price Difference at Arrival check box on the Company/Distribution tab is selected, the price differences will be booked both at the purchase order arrival against the purchase order price, and then later at invoice matching against the invoiced price.  For a positive price difference on the arrival transaction, i.e., if the price on the purchase order is higher than the cost of the transaction, postings are created with the debit posting type M19 - Price diff Purch, HIGHER PRICE, and the credit posting type M10 - Goods receipt with purchase order. For a negative price difference on the arrival transaction, postings are created with the debit posting type M10 - Goods receipt with purchase order, and the credit posting type M20 - Price diff Purch, LOWER PRICE.

For inventory registered purchase parts with a Company Owned ownership type, postings are created with the debit posting type M1- Inventory, and the credit posting type M10 - Goods receipt with purchase order. However, postings are not created when receiving parts that have either Customer Owned, Supplier Owned, or Supplier Loaned ownership types. For non-inventory parts and no-number parts, postings are created with debit posting M92 - Purchase Non Inventory Material Arrival, and the credit posting M91- Non Inventory Receipt with PO, which are not Invoiced.

If purchase charges were included in the part cost, then the charges will be booked separately at arrival where credit posting type M189 - Arrival Charges is used.

When reporting the arrival of parts that are owned by a customer for which part acquisition values are handled, the unit price (excluding any discount or additional cost) from the purchase order lines will be used as automatically-created initial estimate part acquisition values, if the values are not already entered on the applicable acquisition value level (part or lot/batch) for the arrived part numbers.

When the arrival is made with consignment stock management (a Consignment ownership type), postings are created with the debit posting type M60 - Consignment stock, and the credit posting type M61 - Consignment stock receipt.

When the arrival is made and the charge/no charge (component part) function is used, the accountings are the following:

When the arrival of a purchase exchange order is registered, the accountings are the following:

For detailed descriptions of all the system events and posting types, see the document Financial Events and their Bookings.

When parts on a manual pegged purchase order line are being received into inventory, the received quantity is automatically allocated to the demands that are pegged to the purchase order line, in the ascending due date order. The pegged quantity is reduced by the received quantity on all the received objects. When a purchase order line is partially delivered or some of the arrived material is rejected (and therefore the peggings are not fulfilled), you will be notified through an event if the pegged demands were not fulfilled. If you would like to receive this notification, use the Unfulfilled Pegging event.

The analyses will be created according to the triggers connected to the data points in a control plan. If a non-conforming trigger exists in the control plan, you will not be able to move a part from the arrival or QA location before the analysis is confirmed.

If the Print Serviceability Tag check box is selected the serviceability tag is printed in the serviceability status you entered. Serviceability tag refers to the tag used in the Aviation industry to clearly identify an uninstalled component or assembly and its current status.


Register Purchase Order Arrivals

Related Window Descriptions

Register Purchase Order Arrivals
Receive with Differences
Receive from Internal Order Transit
Split Receipt from Internal Order Transit 
Input UoM Parameters

Print Serviceability Tag 


Report Arrival:

  1. In the Register Purchase Order Arrivals window, either populate or query for the appropriate purchase order lines.
  2. You can modify some data directly on the receipt line. (See the corresponding activity description for further information.)
  3. Select one or several lines, right-click and then click Receive Order.
  4. The Receive dialog box opens. You must enter a receipt reference when the automated invoicing function (self-billing) is used. You can also modify some data on the receipt line. (For further information, see the corresponding activity description.) Note: It is required to enter a lot/batch number when receiving lot tracked parts received from internal order transit.
  5. Select the Print Arrival Report check box if you want to print an arrival report. If you want to print bar codes, select the Print Barcodes check box.
  6. Select the Print Serviceability Tag check box to order the serviceability tag report for the component being received. When you click OK in this dialog box, a separate dialog box will open where you need to enter the relevant serviceability status for which the serviceability tag is to be printed. Note: If the value of the PRNT_SERVICE_TAG_ACS object property in System Definition/Object Property is set to TRUE, this check box will be selected by default. The value of this check box can be changed, if needed.

Report Arrival and split the arrival into several locations:

  1. Either populate or query for the appropriate purchase order lines.
  2. You can modify some data directly on the receipt line. (See the corresponding activity description for further information.)
  3. Select one or several lines, right-click and then click Receive Order.
  4. The Receive dialog box opens. You must enter a receipt reference when the automated invoicing function (self-billing) is used. You can also modify some data on the receipt line. (For further information, see the corresponding activity description.) Note: It is required to enter a lot/batch number when receiving lot tracked parts received from internal order transit.
  5. Select the Print Arrival Report check box if you want to print an arrival report. If you want to print bar codes, select the Print Barcodes check box.
  6. Select the Print Serviceability Tag check box to order the serviceability tag report for the component being received. When you click OK in this dialog box, a separate dialog box will open where you need to enter the relevant serviceability status for which the serviceability tag is to be printed. Note: If the value of the PRNT_SERVICE_TAG_ACS object property in System Definition/Object Property is set to TRUE, this check box will be selected by default. The value of this check box can be changed, if needed.
  7. Click Split and the Receive with Differences dialog box opens. Adjust the quantity on the existing line. Click New to specify a quantity and a location on this line. Repeat this for each desired location. The sum of the quantities should be the same as the quantity arrived. Note: It is required to enter a lot/batch number when receiving lot tracked parts received from internal order transit.
  8. Confirm by clicking OK.
  9. Close the previous dialog box by clicking Cancel.

Report Arrival for parts received from internal order transit (parts are delivered from a site and received at a site that belong to the same company ).

  1. Populate or query for the appropriate purchase order lines.
  2. You can modify some data directly on the receipt line. (See the corresponding activity description for further information.)
  3. Select one line at a time, right-click and then click Receive From Internal Order Transit
  4. The Receive from Internal Order Transit dialog box opens. You can modify some data on the receipt line. (For further information, see the corresponding activity description.) If you want to print an arrival report, select the Print Arrival Report check box. If you want to print bar codes, select the Print Barcodes check box.
  5. Confirm by clicking OK.
  6. Close the previous dialog box by clicking Cancel.

Report arrival for the serial or lot/batch tracked parts received from an internal order transit, which were directly delivered from an external supplier. Note that this indicates an order flow between an internal customer and internal supplier, where the internal supplier in turn buys the parts from an external supplier who directly delivers to the internal customer.

  1. Populate or query for the appropriate purchase order lines.
  2. You can modify some data directly on the receipt line. (See the corresponding activity description for further information.)
  3. Select one line at a time, right-click and then click Receive From Internal Order Transit.
  4. The Split Receipt from Internal Order Transit dialog box opens. You can modify some data on the receipt line. If the part is lot/batch tracked, you can enter different lot/batch numbers by adding receipt lines in the lower section of the dialog box. If the part is serial-tracked, you will be able to define serial numbers after clicking OK
  5. Select the Print Arrival Report check box if you want to print an arrival report. Select the Print Barcodes check box if you want to print bar codes.
  6. Confirm by clicking OK.
  7. Close the previous dialog box by clicking Cancel.

Note: If the Input UoM Group check box is selected in the Receive window or the Register Purchase Order Arrivals window, you can enter the quantities in units other than in the inventory unit of measure. To do this, click Input UoM, and in the Input UoM Parameters dialog box that opens, select an input unit of measure and enter the parameters. The inventory quantity is calculated using the values entered for input variables.

For more details, please refer to the activity Select Input UoM and Enter Parameters.

Note: If the delivery date has been specified as the supplier invoice tax liability date in the Tax Liability Date Control window for a tax code, the supplier invoice must be entered manually and the self-billing invoice creation process will be stopped with an error.