Confirm Risk Analysis


This activity is used to signal the completion of the analysis on the risk record and to change its status to reflect this completion.


A risk analysis ID must exist with Status Analysis in Progress.

System Effects


Risk Analysis Navigator
Risk Analysis Details
Risk Cost Exposure Tracking

Related Window Descriptions

Risk Analysis Navigator
Risk Analysis Details
Risk Cost Exposure Tracking


Use the following procedure to change the status of the risk analysis to Analyzed and view the related effects:

  1. Open the Risk Analysis Navigator or Risk Analysis Details window and query(F3) for the required risk analysis.
  2. Right click, click Status and then click Confirm Analysis. The status of the risk analysis will change to Analyzed.
  3. Click Save (F12).
  4. Open the Risk Cost Exposure Tracking window and query for the risk analysis that you confirmed. View the record which shows the total risk cost exposure per revision to determine if the actions taken have reduced the risk cost exposure.