Use this window to create, revise and view information related to the entire risk analysis structure. The risk analysis must have been selected or queried first before the graphical display and tab container are shown.
The structure (hierarchy) for the selected risk analysis is displayed on the left hand side of the window. On the right hand side of the window, are tabs with all the information defined on a particular risk analysis. If the risk analysis has been defined with problem, consequence, response and action records, different icons will be displayed in the left pane to indicate the type of record. As the user selects an icon its corresponding tab will be shown on the right pane. Right click on the left pane and select from available options to hide the frame with the tabs, expand and collapse nodes, and to set and reset root nodes.
To move items in the graphical display, the drag and drop method can be used, or simply cut and paste.
The Tab Container on the right-hand part of the Risk Analysis Navigator window contains the tabs necessary to insert, modify or display data related to the items in the graphical display. As the user selects different type of items in the graphical display, different tabs are shown. The tabs shown are selected based on the following types of items; Risk Analysis (root node), Analysis Category, Potential Problem, Consequence, Response, Action.
Selected Item Type Tabs enabled for the selected node type Risk Analysis (Root Node) Risk Details, Potential Problem List, Consequence List, Response List, Action List, Analysis Controls. Analysis Category Potential Problem List, Consequence List, Response List, Action List. Potential Problem Potential Problem, Consequence List, Response List, Action List. Consequence Consequence, Response List, Action List. Response Response, Action List. Action Action.
For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Risk Details, Potential Problem List, Potential Problem, Consequence List, Consequence, Response List, Response, Action List, Action, Analysis Controls.
Initiate and Develop Risk Analysis
Mitigate and
Review Risk
Approve Risk Analysis with Approval Process
Approve Risk Analysis without Approval Process
Close Risk
Connect Project
and Contracts
Start Review
and Categorize Potential Problems
Define Consequences
Identify Responses
Mitigating Actions
Confirm Risk
Mitigating Actions
Revise Risk Analysis
Approval Routing
Start Approval
Approval Step
Approval Step
Approve Risk
Cancel Approval
Close Risk Analysis