Create Handling Unit


When parts for a customer order are picked reported, the parts must be packed for delivery. When parts are pick-reported, a preliminary delivery note is automatically created and handling units can be created for this delivery note. A handling unit is a device that can be handled physically (e.g., a pallet) and may carry one or several packages.

There are three types of handling units:


System Effects



Related Window Descriptions

Shipment/Package Structure
Add Handling Units


  1. Query for a specific shipment ID.
  2. Click the Package Structure tab to view the package structure details.
  3. Expand the shipment ID by selecting it.
  4. Right-click on the shipment ID and then click Add Handling Unit(s).
  5. Click New, to activate a new row.
  6. Enter a pallet type or use the List of Values to select a suitable value. The name of the pallet type appears automatically.
  7. Enter the number of units for the pallet type.
  8. Click OK to save the row.
  9. Repeat steps 4 to 8 if you want to create several handling units.