Print Shipment Pro Forma Invoice


A Shipment Pro Forma Invoice can be printed and accompany goods where for some reason the real invoice cannot be accessed or used. Note that the title itself is only printed as Pro Forma Invoice, since this is the standard naming for an invoice that is only used for customs purposes. The content of the invoice is based on the delivered quantities for the applicable Shipment for which it is printed. The invoice will only state the address where the goods are to be delivered as consignee address. For each line a customs value reflecting the base currency will be printed as well as the customs statistics number and net weight. The net weight, gross weight and volume are also summarized as totals together with the customs value.


System Effects

A Shipment Pro Forma Invoice will be generated and placed in the report archive. It is possible to print or preview the invoice via Report Archive.



Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open the Shipment window and query for the required customer order.
  2. Select the shipment, right-click and then click Print Shipment Pro Forma Invoice.