Use this window to register a shipment in order to send goods to a customer. A shipment is defined as one dispatch of goods from one party to another, where the customer ID, delivery address, ship-via code and delivery terms are the common denominator for all lines. Hence, one shipment can contain any number of order lines from different orders as long as the customer ID and delivery address as well as the delivery parameters are the same on all lines.
A shipment can be defined with or without a package structure. Goods can be shipped with or without printing transport documents, and with or without sending a dispatch advice message.
For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Connected Order Lines, Available Order Lines, Package Structure, Address, General, Shipment Freight Charges
Handle picking
Packing of goods
customer order
Create shipment
Create shipment
Connect order lines
Remove, modify connected lines
Reserve shipment order lines
Add shipment freight
charges manually
shipment freight charge tax lines
Print address label
Print shipment delivery note
Print shipment
pro forma invoice
Print consignment note
Print bill of lading
Print packing list
Generate structure
consolidated pick list
Print pick list
Report picking
picking with differences
Preliminary shipment
Complete shipment
Deliver shipment
Close shipment
Send dispatch advice
Create shipment