Create Shop Order Reports

[About Pick List]

[To Manufacturing]


Use this dialog box to create seven of the most frequently generated shop order reports. Offering multiple options in a single form, the dialog box allows the user to select a specific shop order, indicate which reports related to the shop order he or she wants to print out, and then generate these reports on one commit. The following types of reports can be generated:

This dialog box can be accessed directly from the Navigator or via a right mouse button menu from the main Shop Order form and its Detail and Tracking and History tabs, or from the Shop Order form. The shop order cost report is the least restrictive of all the reports and can be run against any shop order that is not in a Cancelled state. However, most report choices are conditional. In addition, the dialog box also contains two fields and several other check boxes that conditionally turn on and off based on report selections. If a shop order does not meet the requisite conditions to run a report, the report's check box is grayed out. 

Activity Diagrams

Handle shop order


Create shop order reports