Sub Contract Call Off Items

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Use this window to register a new call off for a specific currency. Note: A call off can only be created once the sub contract is awarded.   

If the Item Level Certificate check box is selected in the Sub Contract/Defaults tab, the value in the Call Off Value field is derived from the call off values of the call off items, and it cannot be changed. If the check box is not selected, you are allowed to enter or update the value in the Call Off Value field.

A call off can only be released if all the previous call offs have been released. Once released, the call off report can be printed and sent to the supplier. When a call off is printed, the Printed check box is selected automatically. Further, document text can be entered as additional information on the call off. Entered document text will be shown on the call off report. When a document text has been entered, the Document Text check box is selected automatically.

It will not be possible to modify a released call off, unless it is replanned by right-clicking and clicking Unrelease. Also, it is only possible to delete a call off if it is in the Planned status.

For a description of the tab in the window, use the following link: Lines/Items.  

Activity Diagrams

Execute Sub Contract


Enter Call Off Values
Call Off Full Amount
Release Call Off
Print Call Off
Unrelease Call Off