Enter Price Adjustment Purchase per Line


The price adjustment purchase per line operation is used when you are entering invoice lines with price corrections made for previously matched purchase order lines. It is only possible to make a price adjustment for an order line that is already invoiced and therefore not visible in the Post from Purchase Order window. The price difference postings connected to each changed order line, i.e., each part where the price must be changed, are automatically retrieved as individual postings connected to the invoice line when performing this activity. A price adjustment only generates postings concerned with the price difference for the purchased parts that have already been invoiced. The price adjustment functionality is mostly used for credit notes. If both price and quantity are to be changed, it must be handled in the Post from Purchase Order window at the time of matching.

This activity is only available if IFS/Purchasing, version 2002-1 or later, is installed and if you are running an executable with both IFS/Invoice and IFS/Purchasing. Price adjustment can be performed whether you have knowledge of the purchase order number or not. When entering either the purchase order number or the supplier identity on the supplier invoice, you will have access to all invoiced purchase order lines for this particular purchase order or supplier. For each receipt line, it is possible to specify the quantity of the purchased part for which the price adjustment is to be made. Thereafter, the price difference per unit, adjustment to the additional cost, total price difference, and discount can be entered. If the Update Purchase Prices for Matched Parts check box is selected, any such changes will result in an automatic update of the Price (with currency) and Discount % fields in the Purchasing/Purchase Part/Supplier for Purchase Part/General tab.

When performing this activity, each posting line created on the invoice is connected specifically to an individual invoice line. The Line ID Ref field in Invoice/Supplier Invoices/Manual Supplier Invoice, the Posting Information section, will have the (invoice) line identity filled in automatically. Each price corrected order line automatically generates price difference posting lines on the invoice. After this activity has been performed, you will have the price difference postings for each adjusted purchase part clearly specified per invoice line.


The purchase order line must be matched with a  supplier invoice before a price adjustment may take place. You must have started to enter an invoice with either a purchase order reference or a supplier identity and with an amount, all in accordance to the correction invoice that you have received from the supplier.

System Effects

A price difference posting will be created on a voucher connected to the invoice. Each price adjusted order line included in the matching will automatically generate one or more posting lines on the invoice. All postings on the price adjustment invoice are connected to individual invoice lines. The voucher will be placed in the hold table in IFS/Accounting Rules.

When matching a price adjustment invoice to a purchase order line, a special check is made. If the purchase part of the price adjusted order line is included in a supplier agreement using step pricing, then the cumulative value for the amount will be updated for the applicable period. If the price adjusted purchase part, or no-number part, also belongs to a supplier assortment included in a supplier agreement, then the cumulative value for the amount will be updated for the applicable period in the assortment step pricing. The current amount for the whole supplier agreement will also be updated in both cases.


Manual Supplier Invoice

Related Window Descriptions

Manual Supplier Invoice
Price Adjustment


Using purchase order number

  1. Select the Manual Supplier Invoice  window and register a new invoice.
  2. Enter the applicable purchase order number in the PO Reference field. Depending on the Amount Method selected in Enterprise/Company/Invoice, enter invoice lines with the gross or net amount according to the invoice received from the supplier.
  3. As an option, you can specify a reference purchase order number on each invoice line. It is only possible to enter a purchase order reference that is specified in the invoice header. This option could be used if you have several order references in the header, and you want to limit the received order lines displayed when performing the price adjustment per line.
  4. Open the Price Adjustment window by selecting one invoice line, right-click and then click Price Adjustment Purchase per Line (or use the Operations menu).
  5. Purchase order lines already invoiced for the referenced order are displayed. However order lines, already selected for price adjustment with another invoice line on the invoice entered, are not displayed. Make the price adjustment by entering the difference per unit in the Price Diff/Unit field. By doing this, the system will recalculate the total invoiced amount and the invoiced price per unit.
  6. Before you can complete the matching, the value in the Remaining field must equal zero (0). This means that the price adjustment made for the selected order lines correspond to the net amount entered on the invoice line. Return to the invoice by clicking OK.
  7. Continue with steps 4 to 6 until all lines of the invoice are matched with the correct order lines. Make sure that the net amount of each invoice line is balanced with price difference postings. 


No purchase order number

  1. Select the Manual Supplier Invoice window and register a new invoice.
  2. Enter the applicable supplier identity in Supplier field, by manual entry or by using the List of Values. Depending on the Amount Method selected in Enterprise/Company/Invoice, enter invoice lines with the gross or net amount according to the invoice received from the supplier.
  3. Open the Price Adjustment window by selecting one invoice line, right-click and then click Price Adjustment Purchase per Line (or use the Operations menu).
  4. Query for the available order lines by indicating the desired purchase part. Order lines, already selected for price adjustment with another invoice line on the current invoice, are not displayed.
  5. On each displayed order line, you can make the price adjustment by entering the difference per unit in the Price Diff/Unit field. By doing this, the system will recalculate the total invoiced amount and the invoiced price per unit.
  6. Before you can complete the matching, the value in the Remaining field must equal zero (0). This means that the price adjustment made for the selected order lines correspond to the net amount entered on the invoice line. Return to the invoice by clicking OK.
  7. Continue with steps 3 to 6 until all lines of the invoice are matched with the correct order lines. Make sure that the net amount of each invoice line is balanced with price difference postings.