
[Time and Attendance Reporting


Use this window to overview and authorize time reported by employee. In order to transfer time and attendance results to a payroll system, the time results are required to be authorized. You can use the right-click options to open windows such as Time Card Day and Time Card Week to view detailed information of the reported time before authorizing. Log-in users are allowed to authorize time reported by employees depending on the authority level granted in the Position Access window.

Note: This window should be configured based on the user's requirement. Normally, only a limited set of available fields are required to perform the tasks related to authorization. The fields you require depends on the internal routines etc. You can hide the fields which are not required by using the Object Properties dialog box. Right-click and click Properties to open this dialog box.

Activity Diagrams

Authorize Time Card Information


Authorize Attendance of Employee
Authorize Attendance/Manufacturing Time of Employee