Using Page Toolbar

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The Page Toolbar contains a number of buttons you use when working in an IFS Application page.



System Effects




Related Window Descriptions



Using the Page Toolbar

Figure 1: Using page tool bar

The following buttons are available:

Note: The action you chose will be used for the page/object you have open in your work area, it is not used for the context panels, e.g. Attachment Panel etc. Read more about Working in IFS Application Pages

  Populate: Populates the current page with all objects.
If there are many records, the population might take a long time. If there are more than hundred records, a warning message will be displayed that gives you the option of stopping the population.
  Search: Opens the Search dialog box where you enter your search criteria to find the information you require.
  Save: Saves your data to the database.
  New: Prepares a page for a new record.
  Delete: Prepares a record to be deleted. Use Save to complete the removal from the database.
  List of Values: Use this when creating or modifying a record. Place the cursor in a field which has related basic data. By using List of Values, a dialog box containing all available values will open up.  E.g. to enter an account, click  List of Values in the Account Group field and all available account groups will be displayed.
  Zoom: Opens the basic data page relevant to the field you are working in. E.g. when entering a customer order and you want to change/create customer basic data, you can use Zoom in the Customer No field to open up the Customer page.
  Context Menu: Opens the touch-friendly context menu. It has the same contents as the context menu you open via right mouse button.
  Notes: Creates a note on the object you are working with. Read more in Using Sticky Notes
  Information Card. The button is enabled if there is an Information Card configured for the page. Via the drop-down menu there are two options:
  • Show. Displays or hides the information card for current page
  • Configure. This is where you configure which fields you want to display in your information card. In the dialog you selected fields and add title and empty lines. The settings are personal and stored in your user profile. Note that it's usually the System Administrator who pre-defines which fields that are available to choose from.

Positioning the Page Toolbar

Via the Context menu you can change the position of the tool bar to have it on the right hand side or left hand side of the work area.

Figure 2: Using the Context menu on Page Toolbar

Figure 3: Page Toolbar left