Serial Maintenance

[About Modification Schedule] [About Modification Programs] [About Serial Structures] [About Maintenance Program] [About Pending Task] [About VIM Access Control] [To Manage Line Maintenance] [To Scope Maintenance Visit] [To Prepare Maintenance Visit]


Use this window to view and update information on the maintenance of a serial. Only the serials that have an operational status of In Operation or Out Of Operation can be viewed in this window. 

For a description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Interval Maint., Last Maint, Modifications, Next Interval Maint in Structure, Total Usage, Life Limited Serials.

Activity Diagrams

Perform Due Calculations
Plan Line Maintenance Activities
Define Maintenance Visit


Identify Maintenance Opportunity and Scope 
Perform Due Calculation for LLP and Interval Maintenance Tasks