Change Status on Work Order


This activity is used to change the status of the work order. As a work order can be in progress for an unlimited period of time, there is a status system that defines what can be done with the work order. The status system also facilitates the selection of work orders that can be performed in several windows in IFS Maintenance. It is not mandatory to use all the statuses. A new work order has one of the following two statuses:

The status is then normally changed to one of the following:

After the work order has been prepared, the status is normally changed to Prepared or Released. Occasionally there is a need to not follow the ordinary sequence of status modifications. In this case, the system allows you to change the status differently but still in a forward direction, for example from Work Request directly to Released.

Other statuses in the work order status system are Assigned, Accepted and On Route. These statuses are not applicable when working with Business-to-Business (B2B) Contracting and will be disabled on work orders which are assigned to contractors.


Before the status for the work order can be changed, the following must have been completed:

Note: There might be some conditions connected to the work order that must be accomplished before you can change the status.  

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the Status field in the Active Work Orders window normally shows one of the following statuses: Observed or Under Preparation

A journal entry is created for this event. Journal entries are generated in the Journal tab found in the Prepare Work Order and Report In Work Order windows.


Active Work Orders
Single Page Report In Work Order

Related Window Descriptions

Active Work Orders
Single Page Report In Work Order


Use the following procedure to change the status of a work order using the Active Work Orders window:

  1. Open the Active Work Orders window.
  2. Find the work order. Note that in Active Work Orders you normally view information on work orders with the Work Request or Fault Report status. 
  3. Select work order, right-click and point to Work Order Status. Select a suitable status for the work order.

Use the following procedure to change the status of a work order using the Single Page Report In Work Order window.

  1. Open the Single Page Report In Work Order window.
  2. Query for the work order. (F3)
  3. Click on a link on the top part of the window to select a suitable status.

Note: You can also change the status for a work order in Prepare Work Order, Report In Work Order and Work Order Execution Logic. Use the Work Order Status option.