Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly Repair/Modifications

[About Disposition Shop Order] [About Shop Order]

[To Execute Work Scope]


Use this tab to include or exclude modification codes for the disposition line item. Modifications cannot be created in this window, only included or excluded. Click the Mod Included list to include/exclude a modification code for the disposition line. The tab also displays information about the origin and options of the modification and the part serial(s) affected.

In the Complex Assembly MRO flow, modifications are created and associated with parts in the Vehicle Information Management. These modifications are then transferred to IFS/Manufacturing and have repair codes associated with them. A subset of recommended modifications, called a task summary, is then defined for each MRO Shop Visit. The modifications included in the task summary in part define the initial work scope for the visit. 

The tab displays all of the modifications from the work scope that are defined for the selected disposition line. This could be the same modification applied to multiple part - serial instances of one affected part, different modifications applied to different affected parts or a combination of these. The user has the option to further filter the set of modification to be performed, based on the what has been determined during disassembly. For example, an optional modification may be excluded because of time constraints. The modification codes which are included define the list of repair codes, which in turn determine the materials and operations for the repair order.  

The Modifications tab can only be used if at least one modification code exists in the work scope tasks for the part being dispositioned. Modification codes can only be included/excluded after the disposition line item is in Released state. Once you have entered modifications, you should select the disposition line, right-click and then click Modifications Complete.

Activity Diagrams

Disposition overhaul object


Disposition line modifications