Customer/Customer Projects (Enterprise)

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Use this window to create projects, change the status of projects, or modify information about projects in general: project ID, description, manager, customer, and different dates concerning an entire project. You can also use this window to create a forecast and enable budget control settings on a project. From the Projects window, you can select a few or more projects and transfer them to the Project Navigator window through the menu option Project Navigator.You can also copy project information and delete projects. Through its development, a project can have the following statuses: Initialized, Approved, Started, Completed, Closed and Canceled.

Activity Diagrams

Initiate Project
Establish Project Plan
Define Project Deliverables
Analyze Project Performance
Approve Project
Complete Project
Close Project
Restart Project
Create and Develop Project Forecast
Create and Develop Project Budget


Insert Project ID
Enter Customer Information
Connect Document To Project
Copy Project Plan
Activate History Logging
Delete Project
Approve Project
Start Project
Restart Project
Complete Project
Cancel Project
Net Project Material
Print Project Pick List
Set Baseline
Create Project Budget/Forecast Versions
Enable Budget Control On Project
Control As Budgeted