Update Project Material Cost from PQL


You can override the project material cost with the supplier price from the Project Quotation List (PQL).

See also Monitor Project Part Definition, and Enter Preliminary Planned Cost in Project Management.


System Effects


Project Product
Project Item

Related Window Descriptions

Project Product/Items
Project Item/Cost Info
Project Product/Part Definition


To update the project material cost for all items with same part revision, follow these steps:

  1. Select the item in Project Product/Part Definition or Project Part Definition.
  2. Select the Get Supplier Price option from the right mouse button menu.
  3. Select the Set Project Cost like Supplier Price for all items option from the right mouse button menu.

To update the project material cost for specific item(s), follow these steps:

  1. Select the item(s) in Project Product/Items or in Project Item/Cost Info.
  2. Select the Update Project Material Cost from PQL option from the right mouse button menu.