Document Object Connections

[About Connected Objects] [To Create And Maintain Document] [To Search For And Use Document]


Use this window to display an overview of all objects that have a connected document. To view objects connected to a specific document revision, use the Document Revision/Objects tab. Right-click and click Document Revision to open the selected document in the Document Revision window. Right-click and click Object Details to view details of the connected object. Details of the connected document. the date the connection was made and document reference fields are displayed in this window. Six text fields (Description 1 field, Description 2 field and so on) display information about the document revision. You can perform file operations on the document using the right-mouse button options in this window.

Activity Diagrams

Create Document
Connect Document To Object
Search for Document
View and Print Document
Send Document by E-Mail
Edit Document
Copy Document File
Execute Document Distribution


Connect Object To Document
Find Document Connected To Object

Copy Document Title
Send Document File by E-Mail
View Document
Edit Document File
Print Document
Check In Document
Undo Check Out
Copy Document File
Execute Distribution