Close Shop Order


This activity is used to manually close a shop order. The number of parts received must be within the closure tolerance specified on the shop order. The system does not accept a closure of a shop order if this is not fulfilled. It is possible change the closure tolerance to allow the order to be closed. 

When you manually close a shop order, you also can close the operations that have not been completed as yet and remove the remaining material reservations. If there are operations or material reservations linked to the order, you receive a message. If you choose not to close the operations and delete the reservations, make sure that they are reported and that all the material is issued for them.

The shop order will revalue the receipt of the product and the scrapping of Work In Process (WIP) at operation only if the primary product has an appropriate inventory valuation method. The two appropriate inventory valuation methods are: Weighted Average with any inventory part cost level, and Standard Cost with only a cost level of cost per serial. When re-valuation occurs, the receipt transactions on the shop order will be re-valued for the primary product, by-products, and substitute parts which have an appropriate inventory valuation method. Received products with other inventory valuation methods, or whose inventory valuation method has changed since the initial receipt on the shop order, will not be re-valued.

If you have not issued the required material to fulfill the receipt and scrap, you can still close the shop order by using the simplified material check feature.

Note: MRO shop orders created from a work scope can be closed only from the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window. It is not possible to close such orders in the Shop Order window by using the right mouse button option. 


System Effects

As a result of this activity


Shop Order
Shop Orders
MRO Shop Order
Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly Repair

Disposition Shop Order

Related Window Descriptions

Close Shop Order
Shop Order
Shop Orders
MRO Shop Order
Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly Repair/Order Details
Disposition Shop Order - Complex Assembly Repair
Disposition Shop Order/Order Details
Disposition Shop Order


  1. Right-click anywhere in the header and then click Close. The Close Shop Order dialog box will appear.
  2. The Qty Complete field in the Close Shop Order dialog box displays the quantity of the part received into inventory and the original lot size is shown in the Lot Size field.
  3. In the Close Tolerance field, enter the percentage of parts that can be incomplete and still allows the shop order to be closed. If you entered a closure tolerance when you entered the shop order, this value will appear by default in the dialog box.

Note: If you have specified a value in the Close Tolerance field of the Inventory Part/Manufacturing tab, it will appear in the Tolerance field of the relevant shop order by default.

  1. Select the Close Operations check box to close all the operations which are still open. This will cause the operations to be reported with the standard time and cost.
  2. Select the Simplified Material Check check box to bypass the issuing of required materials in order to fulfill the receipt and scrap.
  3. Click OK.