Disposition Shop Order

[About Disposition Shop Order] [About Part Ownership] [About Reservations]

[To Execute CRO Work Scope, Shop Order]


Use this window to view and control disposition shop orders and disposition lines for a component repair order (CRO).

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Order Details, Material, Operation, Repair Shop Orders, Modifications, Task List, Discrepancies, Repair Codes, Operation Tools.

Activity Diagrams

Modify CRO work scope
Disposition overhaul object


Issue repair part and consumables DSO
Create disposition shop order line
Select serials and/or lot/batch numbers
Set disposition shop order line to parts identified
Report disposition shop order operations
Release disposition shop order line
Identify modification requirements
Record discrepancies
Complete disposition shop order line
Generate and select repair codes
Add repair codes manually on disposition shop order
Exclude repair codes
Specify external supplier and external service type
Approve disposition shop order line
Disapprove disposition shop order line
Open shop order
Schedule Shop Order
Close shop order
Cancel shop order
Follow-up MRO shop order
Enter document text
Enter Pre-posting, Disposition shop order