Receive into Inventory Manually


This activity is used to manually receive material. You can even choose to receive only a part of the material. You also can specify the location to which the parts should be received. When receiving catch-unit-enabled parts, it is required to enter the catch quantity.

You have the option of receiving position parts instead of real parts. This is possible only in the case of disassembly orders which are pegged to disposition orders. Note that in such an order, you can either receive all the units of a part as position parts or all as real parts. For any given part, you cannot receive a combination of both types on a single order.


System Effects


Shop Order
Shop Orders
Receive Shop Order
Receive MRO Shop Order
Shop Floor Workbench

Related Window Descriptions

Shop Order
Shop Orders
Receive Shop Order
Receive MRO Shop Order/Inventory Receipt
Receive MRO Shop Order
Input UoM Parameters
Shop Floor Workbench
Approve operation


Shop Order or Shop Orders

  1. Right-click and point to Receive, then click Manual Receive. This opens the Receive Shop Order window.
  2. Select an inventory location for the part in the Location No field, then enter the quantity you want to receive into this inventory location in the Quantity Received field. You can receive into more than one inventory location.
  3. If you do not want to receive into one of the specified inventory locations, create a new record and enter a new inventory location in the Location No field. Enter the quantity of parts you want to receive in the Quantity Received field. Use the List of Values to select from available locations.
  4. Save.

Receive Shop Order

  1. Select the Order No of the shop order for which you want to receive the completed parts.
  2. Select an inventory location for the part in the Location No field, then type the quantity you want to receive into this inventory location in the Quantity Received field. You can receive into more than one inventory location.
  1. If you do not want to receive into one of the specified inventory locations, create a new record and type a new inventory location in the Location No field. Type the quantity of parts you want to receive in the Quantity Received field. Use the List of Values to select from available locations.
  2. Save.

Shop Floor Workbench

  1. In Shop Floor Workbench window, select the last operation on the shop order on which you want to receive the completed parts, and click Approve Operation.
  2. Enter the quantity to receive in the Qty to Receive field.
  3. Select an inventory location into which the parts should be received, by entering a value in the Receive Into Location field or use the list of values.
  4. Click OK.