Shop Floor Workbench

[About Shop Order] [About Shop Floor Reporting] [About Document and Media Handling in Shop Floor Workbench] [About Third party Shop Floor Devices]

[To Manufacturing] [To Execute CRO Work Scope, Shop Order] [To Report Shop Order]


Use this window to view a shop floor workbench that displays the operations that will be performed at e.g. an internal work center and to perform shop floor reporting activities such as report shop order operations, indirect time, issue material and receive products etc. Reporting can be performed anonymously, as an employee or a team.

If the Reporting Mode of the default site is set to Employee Reporting, you must enter shop floor workbench as an employee or team.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Guidelines, Tools, Material, Operation Reports, Clockings, Material Guidelines, Tracked Structure, Control Plan and CBS Resources.

For the description of each option in the window follow the appropriate link: Start Production, Stop Production, Start Setup, Stop Setup, Approve Operations, Report Scrap, Issue MaterialReceive Into Inventory, KanbanInspection, Shop Order, Check Mtrl, Start Indirect, Stop Indirect, Join Team, Leave Team, Modify Ongoing Operation and Report Control

Activity Diagrams

Report manufacturing from shop floor
Issue components
Material review board
Kanban execution

Perform quality inspection and handle discrepancies
Handle inventory discrepancies
Handle repair shop order


Enter employee or team
Start setup
Stop setup
Start production
Stop production
Start indirect time
Stop indirect time
Modify ongoing operation
Report scrap
Scrap of components
Issue components manually
Check SO availability
Create SO material accessibility
Use SO report control
Receive reserved serial structures
Receive into inventory manually
Unreserve material
Unreport component scrap
Reserve SO components manually
Reserve SO components automatically
Check reserved serial structure
Modify reserved serial structure
Build tracked structures
Create electronic replenishment request
Join team
Leave team
Enter analysis results for shop order
Cancel analysis results
Reserve serial numbers for shop order
Reserve Lot/Batch numbers
Report shop order operations
Receive and backflush operations
Receive and backflush all
Receive and backflush components
Receive reserved lots
Receive reserved lots with serials
Receive Reserved serial structure
Create analysis for shop order
Cancel clockings
Cancel operation and scrap reports
Cancel labor operation report
Sign off
Inspection sign off
Add clockings
Modify clockings